Thursday, September 27, 2012

Of Cults and Humanity

So, today someone definitely attempted to talk to me about joining what I can only interpret to be a cult.

As I was walking down the street this morning, there was a couple - probably in their 50s or 60s - standing on the sidewalk, holding a book, just staring around. As I approached them, I assumed they were from out of town and needed directions. Sure enough, as I near them, they make to talk to me, so I remove my earbuds and prepare myself to be able to say where the library is, or else, "Sorry, I'm not from here, I can't help you. Here's a map."

La Révélation d'Arès
Oh how wrong was my assumption. She started off by indicating the book she was holding - La Révélation d'Arès - and asking if I was familiar with it or its author, Michel Potay. I say no, and she starts into her spiel...I can't even remember what all she said. But the gist was essentially, "Well, we're a spiritual group - not religious, because that sometimes scares people. We believe in being kind to everyone and helping mankind. We have meetings and outings sometimes at X Y Z place, and the book is available in stores, if you're interested..." And I was about to just politely brush her off and say "no thanks," but then I figured, what the hay, no harm in listening to her talk for awhile; after all, it is in French and I'm here to better my French. Plus this will probably make a good story.

And it does. She continues to talk, and that's when I start to realize this probably really is some type of cult..."A little history on us: Jesus came to France during the 70's - 40 times between Jan.15 and April.13, 1974 to be exact - and talked to Brother Michael (the author) about such and such. And then God manifested himself in visions to Brother Michael - five times between Oct.2 and Nov.22, 1977. And he wrote this book, revealing what was told to him and how we should live our lives. And it doesn't matter if you believe or not, what matters is that this book can show us how to make the world a better place. Basically we believe, 'the solution to the problems on Earth is found in the heart of the individual, whether they're a believer or not, and not in the dogmas and laws of the masses; man can do without religious and political systems to change himself for the better, and as a result, change the world.'*"

[*Can't remember her exact words, but this is what a statement on their website says (translated by yours truly), and what she said was basically the same thing, but more detailed.]

Me, all the while she's talking
And so it continued for a good 10 minutes while I just stood there and listened. Eventually it started to rain, and her spiel was coming to a close, so she took that moment to say thanks for listening, here's a pamphlet, have a good day.

Look, I'm all for being a better person, helping others, being a benefit to humankind, and etc. But I'm pretty sure I can do that on my own. If I did it with them, I'm sure I'd be invited to drink some Kool-Aid or clean some carpets at some point in time.

But, if you are interested in learning more of what I heard, here's their website: (only in French, unfortunately). And for a little more info on them, as translated from their pamphlet: "Who are we? We are believers and humanists with an intense spiritual life who base their personal and social lives on La Révélation d'Arès. From different and diverse social and cultural backgrounds, we are forming a natural movement of free and progressive faith, non-religious and non-political, without leaders or a hierarchy, with no other rules for personal and social conduct except to practice good."

So, that was a fun morning. Hope you enjoyed the tale. I'll talk to you guys later - I'm off to go have my feet read by reincarnated Jesus/Buddha...

1 comment:

  1. Les disciples de sectes, contrairement à vous sont complètement dépourvu d'humour. Vous êtes donc vacciné ;-) Pour en savoir plus sur la révélation d'Arès, vous avez un fil de conversation intéressant en français. Voir dans ma signature ;-)
